Saturday 13 April 2013



The Indian Naval Academy (NAVAC, also known as INA or Ezhimala) is the initial officer training establishment of the Indian Navy, located in Ezhimala, Kerala. Situated between Mount Dilli and the Kavvayi backwaters, NAVAC has a 7 km beach front on the Arabian Sea. It conducts basic training for all officers inducted into the Indian Navy. It also currently trains Indian Coast Guard personnel .
NAVAC was established in May 1969, while its Ezhimala campus was inaugurated on 8 January 2009. It shares the 2,452 acres (9.92 km2) site with the naval base depot, INS Zamorin, and the naval hospital, INHS Navjivani.


                 Ezhimala was chosen by Indian Navy to locate the Naval Academy due to its picturesque surroundings, seafaring traditions of the region and rich historical past. In 1982, the Government of India approved the Navy's proposal after the Government of Kerala agreed to provide the proposed 2500 acres of land and basic infrastructure for area development, free of cost. The predominant hill feature of Ezhimala, the Mount Dilli,  is 260 m  high. Mt Dilli Light house is situated in the southern part of the base and to the north lies the Kavvayi backwaters. The foundation stone of NAVAC at Ezhimala, was laid by the Late Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi on 17 Jan 1987.

     The academy estate is a vast area broadly divisible into the coastal strip facing the Arabian Sea in the West, followed by the low undulating hills forming the middle strip, and the uplands forming a part of the Western Ghats in the East. All the three segments merge into each other to form a compact landmark of diverse ecological setting within a limited area of about 2500 acres. Among the landmarks of the area, Mount Dilli and the Lighthouse, which bears its name, are the most dominating.


Mar 79
  • Acceptance of necessity for setting up of a permanent Naval Academy.
May 82
  • Govt approves acquisition of Ezhimala site.
Jun 84
  • 979 hectares of land with 532 building (pmt/ty structures) acquired.
  • State Govt agrees to provide land and infrastructure facilities free of cost.
Jan 87
  • Sh Rajiv Gandhi laid foundation stone at site.
  • Scheme part of 7th Defence Plan and linked with the Kerala aid package for development of North Kerala.
Dec 88
  • Design competition conducted and M/s Satnam Namita & Associates declared winning architects.
Feb 90
  • Govt approves appointment of a PSU management consultant.
Mar 91
  • E-in-C proposed to associate MES with the Project and work with external consultant.  NHQ & PMB agrees to associate MES with  the Project but under PMA & PMB control.
Oct 92
  • Master Plan approved.
Jul 95
  • Govt letter issued on establishment of Naval Academy at Ezhimala.
Dec 95
  • PMA constituted and empowered with adequate financial and administrative powers.
Sep 96
  • Govt clearance obtained on Agreement with Environmental Research Resource Centre (ERRC).
Jan 99
  • Topographical survey completed.
Apr 99
  • Soil test and material Survey completed.
Oct 99
  • Revision of Accommodation Statement finalised. AICTE norms for B.Tech met within existing sanction.
Nov 99
  • Preliminary design for Roads, External Services, cadets Mess and Cadets Accommodation approved.
25 Feb 01
  • Bhumi Puja held under the aegis of the RM to commence construction activity of the Project.
30 Mar 02
  • Foundation stone for Cadets Mess & Cadets Accommodation laid by Hon’ble RM.
17 Dec 02
  • Revised CCS paper submitted to MOD.
06 Jan 03
  • Manpower Committee report submitted to MOD.
17 Apr 03
  • Manpower Committee report approved by the Defence secretary.
29 Nov 04
  • Additional Manpower case sanctioned by the MoF.
06 Apr 05
  • INS Zamorin got Commissioned, Depot Ship of the Naval Academy Ezhimala.
29 Apr 07
  • Foundation stone laying  for Hospital Complex by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony.
08 Jan 09
  • Inauguration of Naval Academy by Hon’ble Prime Minister  Dr. Manmohan Singh.

     The principal role of the Naval Academy is to impart basic and orientation training to all officer entrants of the Navy and Coast Guard, other than Special Duties List  officers. The aim is to develop the trainees morally, mentally and physically and to imbibe in them the high ideals of loyalty, valour and patriotism in order to provide the service with officers who are dedicated to a career of Naval Service and have potential for future development to assume the highest responsibility of leadership.


     The Naval Academy has been developed as a national prestigious project and is the ‘Cradle for Leadership’ in the Indian Navy.  It is unique in concept and design and stands out as an outstanding monument.

     The ab-initio training imparted at the academy wil ensure that every officer who pass out through its portals will be leaders  worthy of trust and confidence that the nation has reposed in them. It will also establish bridges of friendship across the ocean by training personnel from friendly foreign countries.


     The aim of the academy is to prepare young men and women to be a professional   officer   in the navy  by providing them sound education supplemented with the  required professional naval training.  It  is intended that all officers joining the Navy will pass through this academy so that the entire officer cadre is suitably initiated into the naval way of life starting with a common controlled foundation.

       The academic curriculum is tailored to keep pace with the demands of modern technology. In addition, the academy will condition the young men and women who have chosen the navy as a career with the mental and physical attributes to be able to exercise self discipline, perform efficiently under stress, think and react quickly and above all be good leaders of men.


 Officers into the Navy are recruited by the Directorate of Naval Manpower and Recruitment, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) under various schemes.  The details are available on the website HERE

      The Academy conducts three types of courses:-

      Four Year Indian Naval Academy Course.    The four year INAC programme is conducted for the 10 + 2 Integrated Cadets and on graduation the cadets are awarded a BTech degree.

      22 Week Naval Orientation Course.   The graduate entries who are inducted into various branches of the Navy under different schemes undergo a 22 week Naval Orientation Course at the Academy prior to their training in the respective professional institutions.

      Four Week Short Naval Orientation Course.  The four week Short Naval Orientation Course is conducted for Medical Officers of the Navy on their induction.


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